Great Neck Baseball League Rules and Regulations
(Voted and Approved on 11 February 2025)
Failure to abide by these guidelines will result in action being taken as appropriate to continue to ensure our players are provided with the highest possible level of instruction, competition, and fun.
By registering to play at GNBL players, coaches and parents/guardians agree that:
- Inappropriate, unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated in our league at any time or place in all levels. People (players, coaches, and spectators) may be removed from the game or be asked to leave the fields if they cannot follow the guidelines.
- Sportsmanship is the willingness to accept the discipline and dedication that sport demands for the development of individual and team skills. One must also recognize that while victory is the goal of competition, the competition is more important than the final score.
- Our league philosophy recognizes that sportsmanship is the willingness to play the game within the rules and to appreciate the efforts of opponents, officials, coaches, and administrators who make the game possible.
- Arguments about a judgment decision by an umpire are futile and unproductive. Players and spectators will not argue with or question the judgment of an umpire. It is the manager’s responsibility to control the actions of their players, coaches, and spectators. If incidents occur, it is incumbent that the manager take immediate action with the player or spectator, regardless of whether they believe the player/spectator may be correct or not. By our actions, we are teaching players the proper behavior that we expect. We must do all we can to ensure that what they see is what we desire they learn.
- Managers have a right to discuss calls based on the implementation of the Rules of Baseball, not on the merits of judgment. When addressing an umpire, managers will maintain a level of decorum required of a professional. Outbursts, physical contact, ranting and raving will not be tolerated. In this manner, we will be able to promote instructional baseball in a safe and fun atmosphere for everyone.
The League officers shall have the authority to suspend, discharge, or otherwise discipline any player, manager, coach, League Official, or other person whose conduct is in violation of the Rules and Regulations of Great Neck Baseball League, PONY Baseball, the Code of Conduct, and/or is considered to be detrimental to the best interests of the League.
1. Persons subject to such discipline shall have the right to a hearing before the organization league officers before such discipline is imposed.
2. In the event of such a hearing involving a player, or other person under the age of 18, that person’s parents shall be invited to attend.
League officers may impose the one which, in their opinion, appears to match the severity of the offense. Any manager, coach, or League official who disregards League Rules, Code of Conduct (i.e. Ejections, not following the rules, arguing with the umpires, failing to return equipment, swearing, and any verbal or physical abuse) may be subject to the following actions by the League:
1. Warning. The offending person is to be advised of the offense, in writing by one of the League’s Vice Presidents, and further advised repeat of the offense shall result in a more severe penalty.
2. Suspension. The offending person will be advised in writing that they have been suspended from all League activity for a specific number of games and/or days.
3. Dismissal. The offending person will be advised in writing that they have been dismissed from the League for the remainder of the current year. If the penalty occurs in the Spring, that would include Fall as well.
4. Barred. The offending person will be advised in writing that they have been barred from present and future participation in the League, permanently, or for a specific number of years.
All disciplinary action punishments will be signed by the League officer imposing the action, the league President and the party that committed the infraction.
- The purpose of this rule is to let two people share the responsibility and decisions of running a team. It is not designed to recruit players. Only the Head Coach/Coach of Record (C.O.R.) or 1st Assistant may return to a team as the Head Coach the following year.
- The use of this rule will add one (1) point to the total amount of team points.
- Team points are determined by adding all the individual player’s points together. C.O.R. must be declared to the division director before the first day of try outs.
- C.O.R. can only be used once every two (2) years, or once per division, for both the Manager and Coach. If C.O.R. is used in the Manager’s freshman year than no point is given in his sophomore year.
- No player can be pulled from an existing team so his parent can be a C.O.R. All returning players have the option of going back in the draft.
- Team Carry-over, is only allowed from Spring to Spring in the same division. Each time a coach or player moves up to the next division they will start fresh and go back into the draft, as applicable.
- There are no coach requests that will be honored for division Pinto through Colt.
- All coaches, assistant coaches, board members, volunteers and/or family members must complete the background check and complete all trainings required before they are allowed assist and be on the field of play at any time. Background checks must be completed prior to that Season’s Rec Tryouts.
A runner trying to advance to a base must either slide or attempt to go around a fielder, if that fielder has the ball in his possession. A runner colliding into a defensive player, in an intentional attempt to jar the ball loose, will be called out and ejected from the game.
It is the judgment of the umpire as to whether a collision intentionally violates this rule. This is not a must slide rule but rather a no collision rule.
The restrictions on sliding are as follows:
- Pinto, Mustang, and Bronco players must slide feet first into every base. Headfirst slides will be an automatic out, with no ejection from the game. Players may dive, headfirst, back to any base on an attempted pick-off move.
- Pony and Colt players can slide headfirst into any base.
- Defensive players cannot block the base path or a base without possession of the ball. The right of way belongs to the runner. If contact is made, the runner will be awarded the base.
- All judgment calls will be made by the umpires, not by managers, coaches or parents.
Rather than cancel a game, this policy gives the Manager the ability to use players from other teams to fill out his roster if possible. Regardless of the number of players all regular season games will be played. NO FORFEITS.
- The Manager of each team is a representative of GNBL and will do his/her best to fulfill their commitment to play their scheduled games. The following guidelines will be used throughout the Great Neck Baseball League.
- The Manager will have to know in advance how many players will not be at his next game. At this time, he may call players from other teams. It is recommended that you recruit players from teams you are not playing that day.
- All borrowed players can play a maximum of two innings in the infield and must bat at the bottom of the line-up.
- Borrowed players cannot pitch or catch for your team. Every team has a player or two who would like to pitch, but never gets a chance. Now would be a good time to make that happen. You can only use players in your division or a lower division. They must be registered with the Great Neck Baseball Rec League.
- During the regular season, teams can start with however many players are present (no grace period). If a roster is less than 9 players that team will only be penalized 1 out total each time the vacant line-up spots come to bat.
- Up to 4 borrowed players are allowed during the regular season and 2 during the playoffs/end of the season tournament, to make a maximum of 10 total players per team roster for Pinto, Mustang, Bronco, and Pony Divisions. No team may have more than 10 players when borrowed players are used. (i.e., if you have 8 rostered players, you may only have 2 borrowed players.)
- Tridents/All-Star/State/Travel ball players are allowed only during regular season, but not during play-offs and end of the season tournaments.
- Any exceptions to the above must be approved by the appropriate Division Director.
- Regular Season and Tournament Play: Borrowed players cannot start the game over a rostered player and must bat last in the lineup.
10. Tournament Play: Teams may start the game with however many players (no grace period) however must finish the game with 9 players to avoid forfeit.
(These rules are in place to cover all applicable divisions)
- Players are not to sit back-to-back innings.
- Bat your entire line-up.
- Unlimited substitutions (once a pitcher is removed, they may not return to pitch in the same game).
- Umpires make all calls. Head coach of record, you may only address rules and interpretation of the rules, do not attempt to argue judgement calls (*i.e. balls and strikes, out or safe). Any coach found excessively arguing judgement calls will become subject to GNBL Code of Conduct.
- Any protest of a Rule, not judgement call, will be conducted by a rules committee. Rules committee will consist of the Division Director (if director is one of the coaches any GNBL Board Member can fill this spot), Tournament Director and the Head Umpire of the game being played.
- Regular Season play: if the division director (or board member) is not available at time of protest, continue the game under protest, and the protest will be reviewed. Results of protest, will determine the winner of that game.
- Tournament Play: protest will be completed before the next pitch. If a pitch is thrown, the protest will be nil-void and that play cannot be protested.
- All decisions from the rules committee are final and not subject to appeal.
- Coaches get 1 trip to the mound with each pitcher; on the 2nd trip the pitcher must be changed.
- Head Coach (home & visitor) will not be allowed to coach their next game until the game score and pitch counts are turned in/recorded from their previous game.
- Bats used in Pinto-Pony must be 2 5/8" or 2 1/4" and have a USA stamp or be “-3 BBCOR Certified”. Once the plate conference has been conducted, Bats not bearing the USA Baseball logo in divisions Pinto – Pony, will be removed from the field or dugout, and the offending team will incur 1 out per offense and the bat will be removed from the dugout. If it happens twice in the same game, the Head Coach of the offending team will be removed from the game.
- The International Tiebreaker rule: The last batted out will be placed on second base with 1 out. The next batter in the lineup will be placed at bat and play will continue from that point. This will continue so forth and so on until a winner is determined. Both Away and Home teams will have an opportunity.
- Pitch Count: Regular Season**:
0 Days | 1 Days | 2 Days | 3 Days | 4 Days |
Pinto | 50 | 40 | 1-20 | 21-35 | 36-50 | N/A | N/A |
Mustang | 75 | 65 | 1-20 | 21-35 | 36-50 | 51-65 | N/A |
Bronco | 85 | 75 | 1-20 | 21-35 | 36-50 | 51-65 | 66+ |
Pony | 95 | 85 | 1-20 | 21-35 | 36-50 | 51-65 | 66+ |
Colt | 95 | 85 | 1-30 | 31-45 | 46-60 | 61-75 | 76+ |
Palomino | 105 | 95 | 1-30 | 31-45 | 46-60 | 61-75 | 76+ |
**Pitch Counts are determined by Division
- Pitch Count: Tournament Play (post season): Follow Pitching T-8 Tournament Pitching in Pony Rule Book page 33. (Follow Pony pitch count matrix posted)
0 Days | 1 Days | 2 Days | 3 Days | 4 Days |
Pinto | 50 | 1-20 | 21-35 | 36-50 | N/A | N/A |
Mustang | 75 | 1-20 | 21-35 | 36-50 | 51-65 | N/A |
Bronco | 85 | 1-20 | 21-35 | 36-50 | 51-65 | 66+ |
Pony | 95 | 1-20 | 21-35 | 36-50 | 51-65 | 66+ |
Colt | 95 | 1-30 | 31-45 | 46-60 | 61-75 | 76+ |
Palomino | 105 | 1-30 | 31-45 | 46-60 | 61-75 | 76+ |
- The Pitcher will only be required to observe the calendar day(s) rest for the threshold he/she reached during the start of that at-bat, provided the pitcher is removed before delivering a pitch to the next batter. (Pony Rule Change 2020 –rule 10-D and T-B-A)
- All Divisions: Tag ups are allowed on caught fly balls and base runner can advance to next base(s).
- Great Neck Sunday Select Tridents Players must register and participate in 51% of the scheduled games in Great Neck Recreation Baseball during the spring season, in order, to be eligible for the All-Stars season. They are not required to play on Saturday games, these games are optional and at the parent’s discretion.
- Great Neck Sunday Select Tridents players are not required to participate in Great Neck Recreational Baseball in the Fall Season, however, are required to register.
- All Great Neck Sunday Select Tridents players per team can only pitch 50 pitches during week games and 20 pitches on weekend rec games.
- Cleat Policy: Fawn – Bronco (Molded Cleats), Pony and Colt (Molded or Metal Cleats)
*Exception: Tridents Players who make their Middle School Baseball team are not required to play Great Neck Recreation Baseball.
**All rules not listed or defined, refer to the Pony Rule Book.
***All rules are subject to change with majority board approval.
- Games are 3 innings long, with no new inning can begin after 45 minutes of play
- Hit off the tee the entire season.
- Every player bats every inning.
- No outs, scores, or standings kept.
- Usually, 10 players on a on roster.
- Games are 3 innings long, with no new inning can begin after 45 minutes of play
- Every player bats every inning.
- No outs, scores, or standings kept.
- Usually 10 players on the roster.
- Progress to coach pitch after 3 games. Coach pitch should be from the knee or bucket throwing soft toss. Coach should be pitching from the rubber.
- After no more than 3 quick pitches and no hit from batter, allow player to hit from the tee and advance the runners to continue the game.
1. Game are 3 innings, with no new inning can begin after 45 minutes of place. Once final inning begins, it must be completed and games may end in a tie. Games will be umpired by coaches with the purpose of player development and not in a competitive nature.
2. Teams should field 10 players including four outfielders, 4 infielders, a pitcher, and a catcher. All players will play in the field each inning.
3. Players will play only one position for the whole game. In 10 season games each player should have played each of the 10 positions, rotating each week. The weekly line up shall be set before that weekly practice, learning that one position they will play in the next game; and switch for the following week.
4. The entire line up will have an at bat and the inning is completed when all players have had an at bat. Bases will clear when three outs are recorded. Team will continue to bat until the entire batting line up has had the chance to hit. The last batter will run in all base runners or until out.
5. Batters should receive 5 pitches. (Remember no one benefits from a strikeout, coaches should wisely choose the number of pitches to minimize strikeouts)
a. The Coach may choose how to deliver those 5 pitches/attempts.
i. 5 pitches, no tee attempts
ii. 4 pitches, 1 tee attempts
iii. 3 pitches, 2 tee attempts
iv. 2 pitches, 3 tee attempts
v. 1 pitch, 4 tee attempts
6. If the batter fouls off the 5th pitch, the batter will get one attempt to successfully hit a ball off the tee. If the batter fails to hit the ball in play, the batter is out.
7. Batters are not permitted to bunt.
8. Ball not hit past the dirt / chalk line in front of batter’s box is a foul ball.
9. If coach is hit with the ball, it is a foul ball.
10. Coaches must pitch from the rubber. Pitcher may coach from the pitching mound; this includes batters and base runners.
11. Over throw: If the ball is overthrown to a fielder the runners only advance to the next base
12. PAINT line should be placed midway between 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home plate. During the field of play if the base runner has not passed the midway point once ball is controlled, the base runner must return to previous base.
13. Runners are not permitted to steal or lead off, and shall remain in contact with the base until the ball crosses the plate. (Penalty: PONY Rule Book 9G).
14. A batted ball becomes dead when an infielder has possession and control of the ball in the infield or at a base and holds the ball over their head.
1. Pinto Division consists of 7’s and 8’s. Subject to Pony Rule Guidelines, registration dependent.
2. Games are 1hr and 40 minutes. No new inning can begin after 1hr and 40 minutes of play. Once final inning begins, it must be completed to finalize game. If game remains tied after 6 full innings of play, extra innings will be played using the International Tiebreaker rule as outlined below. Weekdays: In the event of daylight rule, which is determined at umpire’s discretion, inning must be completed to finalize game. If game is called due to weather, and at least 3 full innings (2.5 innings if home team is winning) have been completed, game will be considered final. If weather impacts innings 4-6 or extra innings prior to home team batting, revert to last full inning to determine winning score. If last full inning ended in a tie, the game will be considered a tie as long as at least 3 full innings have been completed.
- The International Tiebreaker rule: The last batted out will be placed on second base with 1 out. The next batter in the lineup will be placed at bat and play will continue from that point. This will continue so forth and so on until a winner is determined. Both Away and Home teams will have an opportunity.
- Tournament Play: Games will be played until a winner is decided. Game times will be the same as regular season with the exception to the championship game. Championship games will have no time limit.
3. 5 runs per inning except 6th inning/extra innings in which unlimited runs allowed.
4. 15 run rule after 3 innings, 10 run rule after 4 innings. Game is complete when a team leads by 15 runs after 3 complete innings, 10 or more runs after 3 ½ (home) or 4 innings (visitor).
5. Spring season will have EOA Umpire on the field and Fall season will have Jr. Umpires.
6. Copy of your roster with positions and batting order is supplied at the beginning of the game to the opposing team. Coaches need to sign off on it and address issues prior to start of game.
7. Players cannot play any 1 position more than 2 innings.
8. Players cannot sit any more than two innings in a game and not back-to-back innings.
9. No player can sit out two innings until every player has sat out at least one inning.
10. Each player must play 1 inning in the outfield.
11. 6 Pitches per batter. If pitch 6 results in a foul ball a 7th and final pitch will be made ball must be put in play or batter is out. Under no circumstances will a batter receive and 8th pitch.
12. Ball not hit past the dirt / chalk line in front of batter’s box is a foul ball.
13. Batters must always keep one foot in the batter’s box. Any delay in a strike may be called at the discretion of the umpire.
14. Coaches must pitch from the rubber (38 feet).
15. With the shorter fences the field ump should stand on the backside of the batter by the home plate backstop.
16. 7’s - Over throws at the bases, (1 base on overthrow period). The play stops.
17. 8’s - Over throws, the runner can advance on each overthrow, one base per overthrow attempt.
18. Chalk line should be placed midway between 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home plate. During the field of play if the base runner has not passed the midway point once ball is controlled, the base runner must return to previous base.
19. Per Pony rule, Pitcher may not coach from the pitching mound. This includes batters and base runners.
20. Defensive Coaches:
a. Pinto 7 – One defensive coach will be allowed in the field of play, but must stay behind the deepest outfielder.
b. Pinto 8 – No defensive coach will be allowed in the field of play; coaches must coach from the dugout.
21. Control: Control is defined as an infielder with the ball in hand or glove on the infield when control is achieved, and umpire has declared control. This does not mean play is stopped. A runner may tag up and advance to the next base on a caught fly ball. If a runner attempts to advance a base after the umpire has deemed control, they can be tagged out if they do not reach the next base or return to the previous base occupied before the play officially ends and time out has been called. Umpires will then return runners to the previous base at the conclusion of the play.
Games are 1hr and 40 minutes. No new inning can begin after 1hr and 40 minutes of play. Once final inning begins, it must be completed to finalize game. If game remains tied after 6 full innings of play, extra innings will be played using the International Tiebreaker rule as outlined below. Weekdays: In the event of daylight rule, which is determined at umpire’s discretion, inning must be completed to finalize game. If game is called due to weather, and at least 3 full innings (2.5 innings if home team is winning) have been completed, game will be considered final. If weather impacts innings 4-6 or extra innings prior to home team batting, revert to last full inning to determine winning score. If last full inning ended in a tie, the game will be considered a tie as long as at least 3 full innings have been completed.
- The International Tiebreaker rule: The last batted out will be placed on second base with 1 out. The next batter in the lineup will be placed at bat and play will continue from that point. This will continue so forth and so on until a winner is determined. Both Away and Home teams will have an opportunity.
- Tournament Play: Games will be played until a winner is decided. Game times will be the same as regular season with the exception to the championship game. Championship games will have no time limit.
- Five run rule except in the 6th inning. Unlimited runs allowed in the 6th inning.
- 15 run-rule after 3 innings, 10 run-rule after 4 innings. Game is complete when a team leads by 15 after 3 inning complete innings, 10 or more after 3 ½ (home) or 4 innings (visitor).
- No player can sit more than 2 innings per game and cannot sit back-to-back innings.
- No player can sit out two innings until every player has sat out at least one inning.
- All players must play a minimum of 1 inning in the infield.
- Players cannot play more than 2 innings at one position during the game.
- Pitchers and catchers may play no more than 4 innings combined and no more than 3 innings at either position, except if pitch count forces them to stop. (Example: If pitcher or catcher has played 3 innings at one position, they are eligible for 1 innings at the other).
- Running for the catcher is allowed during the game with two outs, runner is the last batted out.
9. Batters must always keep one foot in the batter’s box. Any delay in a strike may be called at the discretion of the umpire.
- Drop third strike is in effect.
- No infield fly rule.
- Pitchers will adhere to GNBL pitch count chart (see chart under general rules) during regular season and follow Pitching T-8 Tournament Pitching in Pony Rule Book page 33. during post season tournament. Reference page 6.
- Unlimited substitutions (Once a pitcher is removed, he may not return to pitch).
- Balks:
- First 2 weeks of the Season – No Balks are called (Instructional) but players need to be corrected.
- Remainder of the Season – Balk is Called and Penalized with one warning per pitcher.
- Stealing/Leads:
- The first 2 weeks of the Season will follow the following modified PONY rule O.2:
- Runners at first and second bases may lead off and steal bases, but shall not lead off beyond the 8-foot chalk line. Runners cannot steal until the pitched ball has reached or passed the batter.
- Runners at third base may lead off, but shall not lead off beyond the chalk line and can NOT steal home.
- The remainder of the Season will follow Pony rule O.1 from the Pony Rule Book page 23, which states:
- Runners at first and second bases may lead off and steal bases, but shall not lead off beyond the 8-foot chalk line. and steal bases, as in Official Baseball Rules
- Recommended (8-foot lead off chalk line).
- No stealing home at any time including on Pitcher/Catcher exchange.
- If a play is attempted on any base runner, then the runner on third may attempt to advance to home.
- Coaches:
- Only 3 coaches may be in the dugout or inside the fenced playing area.
- Only 2 coaches are allowed in the playing field and must remain in the base coach boxes.
- If using a player or anyone under the age of 18 years old as a base coach, they are required to wear a batting helmet while coaching.
Games are 1hr and 50 minutes. No new inning can begin after 1hr and 50 minutes of play. Once final inning begins, it must be completed to finalize game. If game remains tied after 6 full innings of play, extra innings will be played using the International Tiebreaker rule as outlined below. Weekdays: In the event of daylight rule, which is determined at umpire’s discretion, inning must be completed to finalize game. If game is called due to weather, and at least 4 full innings (3.5 innings if home team is winning) have been completed, game will be considered final. If weather impacts innings 5-7 or extra innings prior to home team batting, revert to last full inning to determine winning score. If last full inning ended in a tie, the game will be considered a tie as long as at least 4 full innings have been completed.
- The International Tiebreaker rule: The last batted out will be placed on second base with 1 out. The next batter in the lineup will be placed at bat and play will continue from that point. This will continue so forth and so on until a winner is determined. Both Away and Home teams will have an opportunity.
b. Tournament Play: Games will be played until a winner is decided. Game times will be the same as regular season with the exception to the championship game. Championship games will have no time limit.
- Five run rule except in the 7th inning the entire year. Unlimited runs allowed in 7th inning.
- Mercy rule: Visiting team leads by 15 runs after 4 complete innings or 10 runs at the end of 5 complete innings. Home team is leading by 15 runs at the end of 4, or 10 runs at the end of 5 or more complete innings.
- Pitchers will adhere to GNBL pitch count chart (see chart under general rules) during regular season and follow Pitching T-8 Tournament Pitching in Pony Rule Book page 33 during post season tournament. Reference page 6.
- Balks
- Regular Season: 1 warning per pitcher, per game.
- Tournament Play: Pony Rules, no warnings.
- No player can sit out two innings until every player has sat out at least one inning.
- Players are not allowed to sit two innings back-to-back.
- Unlimited substitutions (Once a pitcher is removed, he may not return to pitch).
- Courtesy Runner allowed for Pitcher or Catcher with two outs. Base runner will be the last out.
9. Batters must always keep one foot in the batter’s box. Any delay in a strike may be called at the discretion of the umpire.
- Coaches:
- Only 3 coaches may be in the dugout or inside the fenced playing area.
- Only 2 coaches are allowed in the playing field and must remain in the base coach boxes.
- If using a player or anyone under the age of 18 years old as a base coach, they are required to wear a batting helmet while coaching.
Games are 1hr and 50 minutes. No new inning can begin after 1hr and 50 minutes of play. Once final inning begins, it must be completed to finalize game. If game remains tied after 6 full innings of play, extra innings will be played using the International Tiebreaker rule as outlined below. Weekdays: In the event of daylight rule, which is determined at umpire’s discretion, inning must be completed to finalize game. If game is called due to weather, and at least 4 full innings (3.5 innings if home team is winning) have been completed, game will be considered final. If weather impacts innings 5-7 or extra innings prior to home team batting, revert to last full inning to determine winning score. If last full inning ended in a tie, the game will be considered a tie as long as at least 4 full innings have been completed.
- The International Tiebreaker rule: The last batted out will be placed on second base with 1 out. The next batter in the lineup will be placed at bat and play will continue from that point. This will continue so forth and so on until a winner is determined. Both Away and Home teams will have an opportunity.
b. Tournament Play: Games will be played until a winner is decided. Game times will be the same as regular season with the exception to the championship game. Championship games will have no time limit.
- Five run rule except in the 7th inning. Unlimited runs allowed in the 7th inning.
- Mercy rule: Visiting team leads by 15 runs after 4 complete innings or 10 runs at the end of 5 complete innings. Home team is leading by 15 runs at the end of 4, or 10 runs at the end of 5 or more complete innings.
- Pitchers will adhere to GNBL pitch count chart (see chart under general rules) during regular season and follow Pitching T-8 Tournament Pitching in Pony Rule Book page 33 during post season tournament. Reference page 6.
- No player can sit out two innings until every player has sat out at least one inning.
- Players are not allowed to sit two innings back-to-back.
- Unlimited substitutions (Once a pitcher is removed, he may not return to pitch).
- Courtesy Runner allowed for Pitcher or Catcher with two outs. Base runner will be the last out.
8. Batters must always keep one foot in the batter’s box. Any delay in a strike may be called at the discretion of the umpire.
- If a pitcher makes 2 attempts to pick off a runner at the same base and is unsuccessful, he will only have one more chance to attempt a pick off at that runner at the same base. If the pitcher makes a third attempt, but they do not record the out, it is ruled a balk and the runner will be awarded the next base. If a new batter comes to the plate, the pick off attempts reset.
- Coaches:
- Only 3 coaches may be in the dugout or inside the fenced playing area.
- Only 2 coaches are allowed in the playing field and must remain in the base coach boxes.
- If using a player or anyone under the age of 18 years old as a base coach, they are required to wear a batting helmet while coaching.
Games are 1hr and 50 minutes. No new inning can begin after 1hr and 50 minutes of play. Once final inning begins, it must be completed to finalize game. If game remains tied after 6 full innings of play, extra innings will be played using the International Tiebreaker rule as outlined below. Weekdays: In the event of daylight rule, which is determined at umpire’s discretion, inning must be completed to finalize game. If game is called due to weather, and at least 4 full innings (3.5 innings if home team is winning) have been completed, game will be considered final. If weather impacts innings 5-7 or extra innings prior to home team batting, revert to last full inning to determine winning score. If last full inning ended in a tie, the game will be considered a tie as long as at least 4 full innings have been completed.
a. The International Tiebreaker rule: The last batted out will be placed on second base with 1 out. The next batter in the lineup will be placed at bat and play will continue from that point. This will continue so forth and so on until a winner is determined. Both Away and Home teams will have an opportunity.
b. Tournament Play: Games will be played until a winner is decided. Game times will be the same as regular season with the exception to the championship game. Championship games will have no time limit.
- Mercy rule: Visiting team leads by 15 runs after 4 complete innings or 10 runs at the end of 5 complete innings. Home team is leading by 15 runs at the end of 4, or 10 runs at the end of 5 or more complete innings.
- Pitchers and catchers will adhere to Pony pitch count rules. Reference page 6.
- All players must play at least 3 innings.
- Unlimited substitutions (Once a pitcher is removed, he may not return to pitch).
- Courtesy Runner allowed for Pitcher or Catcher with two outs. Base runner will be the last out.
6. Batters must always keep one foot in the batter’s box. Any delay in a strike may be called at the discretion of the umpire.
- If a pitcher makes 2 attempts to pick off a runner at the same base and is unsuccessful, he will only have one more chance to attempt a pick off at that runner at the same base. If the pitcher makes a third attempt, but they do not record the out, it is ruled a balk and the runner will be awarded the next base. If a new batter comes to the plate, the pick off attempts reset.