Great Neck Baseball League’s boundaries are registered with PONY Baseball, Inc. Players that reside outside these boundaries may register for GNBL’s regular season league play and are eligible to play on GNBL PONY Baseball All Star Tournament Teams participating in PONY Baseball Tournaments if they live outside the boundary and would play at Bayside or Lynnhaven. Player league boundary eligibility is reviewed when PONY Tournament Team Eligibility affidavits are completed and will be subject to verification by PONY representatives.
Players must play in the association he/she selects until he/she ages out of that division. Example: player registered at Lynnhaven in Pinto must stay at Lynnhaven until his eligibility is over in the Pinto program.
South from Chesapeake Bay down east side of Thalia Creek to Va. Beach Blvd,
West on Va. B. Blvd. to Holland Rd.
South down east side of Holland Rd. to Pr. Anne Rd.,
South to West Neck Rd.,
South to North Landing River.